Finding Volkswagen Parts Is Easy With AA Wreckers

There has long been a stigma in New Zealand that European cars such as Volkswagens are expensive to repair and it's hard to find parts for them.

While that may once have been the case (decades ago), it really isn't the case any more. Over the recent years, we have seen a large influx of European cars coming into New Zealand. And with that comes more parts (which means cheaper parts), more people that know how to fix them, more competition and therefore less cost to do so.

Late model European cars in particular are rather commonplace on our roads now days, which means that getting yours fixed should be no bigger hassle than any other car.

We at AA Wreckers make it even easier by providing a very large stock of Volkswagen car parts in Auckland for a wide range of models.

Whether you have a late model Mk5 or Mk6 Golf, or you drive something older like a Mk2 or Mk3, we are able to help you find any part you need for it. We keep a load of Volkswagens in our yard for parts, and anything we don't have in stock we have help you track down through our network of parts suppliers.

Volkswagen Golf Mk5 Parts Auckland
Volkswagen Golf Mk6 Parts Auckland






Give us a call today on (09) 829-2618, email, or pop into our yard at 50 Fremlin Pl, Avondale, Auckland to get your Volkswagen parts.


Our Hours

  • Monday  08:30 - 17:00
  • Tuesday  08:30 - 17:00
  • Wednesday  08:30 - 17:00
  • Thursday  08:30 - 17:00
  • Friday  08:30 - 17:00
  • Saturday  Closed
  • Sunday  Closed

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Payment Types

We accept

  • Cash
  • Credit Card (Visa / Mastercard)
  • Direct Credit (Online Banking)

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